
Sponsorships are of course a great way to support friends and family in supporting a worthwhile cause. Even if you can only raise a little, every penny counts and your efforts may pay off in other ways. You can perform a sponsorship for us at one of our events or in an event of your own creation or choosing.

Event Ideas

  1. Dinner Party. Like the 'Come Dine with Me' TV series you could gather some friends, cook meals for each other, each making a donation, and see who is voted the best cook.
  2. Fantasy Football. Perform a sweepstake in the leagues amongst friends and donate a percentage of the winnings.
  3. Village Open Day. Persuade people in your village to open their gardens for show. Sell tickets and a guide to the gardens and arrange for food and drink at a local hall.
  4. Quiz Night. Hold a quiz, maybe in your local pub and charge a fee for people to enter.
  5. Sporting Events. Running, cycling, cricket, tennis. Organize a sporting event at your local club or group. Have a barbeque or a competition and charge people for entry.


  1. Sponsorship Form - You can use the sponsorship form to record who has pledged to donate to you, and you can record Gift Aid from people as well.
  2. Flyer - You can use the flyer to print out and give to possible sponsors and donors to encourage them to donate.
  3. Fundraising Ideas from Charity Challenge

Legal and Safety Considerations

The Foundation for Community Inspiration cannot be held responsible for any injury, losses or damage taken as a result of external fundraising events being held. Consider conducting a risk assessment which is a careful assessment of what could cause harm to people. Identifying and examining hazards such as vehicles, fires and bad weather situations are something to take into consideration for example. Deciding which people are at risk such as contractors, volunteers, people with disabilities,  and young people is important and finally controlling risks according to legal requirements, event standards and good practice is important.

It may be necessary to consider safety elements such as having first aid on site, a St Johns Ambulance, fire assessments from local fire brigade, security if large amounts of cash will be around, stewards, food safety and facilities such as drinking water and toilets. Obviously the larger the event the more one will need such facilities. Watch out also for licensing laws concerning alcohol, entertainment, and laws for raffles and lotteries.